Introduction COVID-19 is an exhausted topic which has received daily media coverage since it’s breakout in December. Even now as I write this article, I find myself attempting to not exhaust any talk if COVID-19. Yet, despite our frustration, the pandemic is still very real all over the world, and …
Top 10 Early Signs of Depression
Depression is a big topic when it comes to mental health, and with good reason: the World Health Organisation (WHO) proposes depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, with over 264 million people of all ages experiencing it. Depression can affect anyone at any time, but the events of …
Distraction and Self-Care – What’s the Difference?
Imagine a scenario in which a person goes to see a therapist for help in dealing with depression/anxiety. The therapist tells them to use self-care by doing whatever makes them feel better: get immersed in a good book; watch a series on Netflix; go for long walks, etc.- with the …
How to Reflect…Without Ruminative Brooding by Chelsea Robin
It may be common ground to propose that we all initially experience ourselves as neutral, objective and separate. This assumption is incorrect and once recognized reflection can occur. Reflection involves recognising we all have bias’ and we are influenced by our genetics, environment and culture. Within a conversation, why did …
I’m not anxious, I’m afraid: Response to COVID-19 by Kayleigh Erasmus
I’m seeing a lot of advice out there from mental health professionals and helpful community members about how to reduce your anxiety. While I know this is valuable, I believe their advice and strategies miss a crucial part of the picture: our fear, right now, makes sense. When you are …
10 Depression Treatment Tips
There are many different depression treatment options out there, but which are the best? Some can even be harmful or do more harm than good. This article looks at different ways of overcoming depressions, including tips about what to do. Whenever you see some sort of depression symptoms in yourself, …
Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health – Guest Blog by Ameen-Ul Rashid
What’s the link between Mental Health and Social Media? Have you ever wondered what impact Social Media has on the way people think, the way they perceive themselves or the way they are brainwashed into believing certain things which as a result leads to a decline in their Mental Health …
What Natural Remedies Might Help With Anxiety? by Henna Lawrence
Anxiety is a healthy emotion, and we all feel anxious before a test or an interview or making an important decision, it comes along uninvited. The moment it takes the shape of a disorder, it takes a different course, the distress and the overwhelming feelings of fear and terror become …
Is Negative News Affecting Mental Health? by Jennifer Donnelly
News is important. It allows us to understand important events in the world, to be aware of current affairs and to raise awareness for incredibly important issues that need our action to make a difference. Additionally, the rise in technology allows news from all over the world to spread to …
Yoga for Depression and Anxiety: 6 Poses to Boost Your Mood – by Emylee Modestino
Here are various yoga acts that can work supernatural occurrences on your body and psyche. Out of many such stances, I have chosen the main three that are especially great yoga models for sorrow and nervousness. The first, called the Sun Salutation, isn’t one stance very a grouping of twelve …
The Dark Side Of Our Minds by Yadav Acharya
Introduction Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and one of the very influential psychoanalysts of the 20th century. He was a student of Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. While Jung and Freud were the firm believers of the unconscious mind, they had many ideas that went against each other. …