An aspiring clinical psychologist described to me recently how an admissions tutor from a prestigious university announced to her and her peers “I’ve no doubt you would all make incredible psychologists– sometimes I feel I should just close my eyes and pick at random”. As another year of applications comes …
I’ve Started … So I’ll Finish, A Journey Through Therapy Training – by Nikki Ryall
As I am approaching the end of my studies to become a qualified psychotherapeutic counsellor, it feels like a good time to reflect on my reasons for starting this journey, as well as on the journey itself and how I feel about being at the end of it. I would …
#TherapistsConnect : How One Tweet Emphasised A Deeper Desire For Connection Between Therapists – by Peter Blundell
I have attempted to use Twitter (@drpeterblundell) on and off for many years. At first, I struggled to understand the point of Twitter, the constant likes and retweets. I felt discussions and news items often passed by in a blur and I questioned how meaningful it all was. That was …
The Power Of Volunteering For Psychology Students – by Sarah Rose
Your degree is not enough. This is the message I keep hearing as I’m exploring career opportunities in Psychology. Despite working hard towards our degrees or conversion courses, getting onto further training or into a paid position will require something extra. Volunteering can be a fantastic way to demonstrate your …
5 Lessons On How To Start A Career In Psychology From The BPS Careers Conference – by Lynn Hamadallah
On Saturday 30th November 2019, the British Psychology Society (BPS) organised a fantastic, free conference targeted at Psychology students, to learn about careers in the industry. The event was hosted at the Institute of Education (IoE) in London. It was a full day of talks, panel discussions, and exhibitions, with …