Learning to write clinical and research reports is a feature of most Psychology and Counselling training. Formulations are increasingly used in clinical, mental health and forensic settings to make sense of a client’s issues and to provide recommendations for treatment. This guide will outline the key elements of a …
Studying Psychology? Be Aware of These 4 Big Mistakes!
Within GetPsyched, members of our team have all completed various psychology degrees, and despite our great experiences, we have made a few mistakes along the way! In this post, we have compiled some of the biggest mistakes we made during our studies that we encourage any psychology student to be …
Unpaid Psychology Internships: The Impact On Mental Health & How To Get The Best From Your Experience – by Susan Qain
An aspiring clinical psychologist described to me recently how an admissions tutor from a prestigious university announced to her and her peers “I’ve no doubt you would all make incredible psychologists– sometimes I feel I should just close my eyes and pick at random”. As another year of applications comes …
Managing Your Psychology Degree (and anxiety) During COVID-19 Lockdown
The coronavirus has changed our lives in so many ways. From the fear of the unknown and anxiety over contracting it, to the complete change of things we have in our lives that give us structure and routine. For those of us that are studying psychology degrees at the moment, …
I’ve Started … So I’ll Finish, A Journey Through Therapy Training – by Nikki Ryall
As I am approaching the end of my studies to become a qualified psychotherapeutic counsellor, it feels like a good time to reflect on my reasons for starting this journey, as well as on the journey itself and how I feel about being at the end of it. I would …
#TherapistsConnect : How One Tweet Emphasised A Deeper Desire For Connection Between Therapists – by Peter Blundell
I have attempted to use Twitter (@drpeterblundell) on and off for many years. At first, I struggled to understand the point of Twitter, the constant likes and retweets. I felt discussions and news items often passed by in a blur and I questioned how meaningful it all was. That was …
The Power Of Volunteering For Psychology Students – by Sarah Rose
Your degree is not enough. This is the message I keep hearing as I’m exploring career opportunities in Psychology. Despite working hard towards our degrees or conversion courses, getting onto further training or into a paid position will require something extra. Volunteering can be a fantastic way to demonstrate your …
5 Lessons On How To Start A Career In Psychology From The BPS Careers Conference – by Lynn Hamadallah
On Saturday 30th November 2019, the British Psychology Society (BPS) organised a fantastic, free conference targeted at Psychology students, to learn about careers in the industry. The event was hosted at the Institute of Education (IoE) in London. It was a full day of talks, panel discussions, and exhibitions, with …
Children & Death, How Should We Talk To Them About It? by Virginia Veruma
Talking about death often makes adults uncomfortable. In particular, if we have to talk about it with children, we usually tend to deflect or to beat around the bush. These behaviours are a consequence of the adults’ inability to face painful themes, together with the rooted opinion that talking about …